Budokan’s 2022 AGM was held on 7th November followed by a Committee Meeting. Our Committee for the next 12 months is:

  • President:                       Rob Katz (position due 2023)
  • Vice President#1:           Sean Brothers (position due 2023)
  • Vice President#2:           Scott Young (elected at this AGM until 2024)
  • Treasurer:                       Peter Jennings (elected at this AGM until 2024)
  • Secretary:                       Kerrye Katz  (position due 2023)
  • Player Representative:   Andras Koltai (elected at this AGM until 2024)
  • Councillor #1:                 Kate Peake (elected at this AGM until 2024)
  • Councillor #2:                 Franz Tandean (position due 2023)
  • Councillor #3:                 Conrad van Dort (position due 2023)

Attached to the email which accompanies this Newsletter are: the President and Coaching Coordinator’s report, and the draft Minutes of the AGM.