You will have noticed two significant improvements to our club dojo (training/learning hall). Both have resulted from successful grant applications completed primarily by Club Vice-President Scott Young. Thanks to Scott for applying your grant application skills achieving some great outcomes. The first grant was for $20,000 for the Federal Government’s 2022 Stronger Communities Program (SCP7). This was used to complete much needed building works: a new power supply and main electrical distribution board, new lighting and new fans. The second grant was a 2021 Volunteer Grant for $5000 which has a wide scope including portable storage equipment for our merchandise. 

  • Thanks also to Scott on following up implementation of the building works. Many other thanks are due: to Andras Koltai, Franz Tandean, Peter Jennings, Kate Peake, Jo Edwards, Alainya Zollinger and during the initial research work into options for storage, to Gary McPherson and Sam Vumbaca, all of whom (plus other keen parents) are responsible for getting the merchandise storage solution in place. Thanks also to Aikido’s Tony Cox for assisting with the removal of the old cabinets. The new cabinets look amazing. Work continues to complete the repacking and itemising of our merchandise into the new cabinets and to clean up the change-room. Any help you can provide would be appreciated, just see Committee members Kate, Franz and Peter.

 The new internal look within our 70 year old chicken shed really enhances the dynamics and vibrancy of the club. It showcases the mat and the athletes and that’s where the focus should be. We intend to apply for another Federal grant in the future. If successful, this one will allow us to replace the umbrella gas heaters