We are receiving many inquiries about club training fees and find that some families are not reading or not following the process outlined on our website at  Most club families have embraced this system and there are no issues. Please read the instructions carefully and if still unclear, seek help in the first instance from Kate Peake at or alternatively Rob Katz at Examples of some common problems:

  1. Waiting for reminders regarding the need to purchase training fee vouchers. We have 200 members so following up everyone would be a massive job for us. Please diarise dates and set reminders for your training fee renewals so that we don’t need to chase you.
  2. Not sending Rob your Active Kids Vouchers (AKVs) or sending him used AKVs. This causes unnecessary additional time for us in following up.
  3. Using the Active Kids Vouchers for the wrong child. Ditto.
  4. Purchasing a single Family Discount Training Voucher for only one of two children. Ditto.
  5. Using Active Kids Vouchers outside the period of their validity. Ditto.