Again we’ve had a busy couple of months and I’m a bit behind in updating all the news. So in this Newsletter, I’ll pass on the most recent news and soon after try to get another Newsletter out with detailed Nationals results and an international Seniors update, some of which has already been posted on our Facebook pages. 

  • We continue to have solid representation at National Training Camps at the Melbourne National Performance Centre, and to international Cadet, Junior and Senior competitions and domestic events. This is very encouraging. We also have had great numbers across all our classes and despite a number of members not returning post-Covid, our membership has crept back up to 200.


  • Please note that the payment system used by the club does not have an automated reminder function when your training fee payments are due. With such a large club run entirely by volunteers, at this time we are unable to send reminders to individual members. Therefore, please note in your calendars when fees are due and be proactive with both Judo NSW membership fees and Budokan Judo Club training fees. It is very time consuming for us to follow-up late payments or expired Judo NSW memberships.


  • The club wishes well to our Seniors who are doing their Year 12 HSC this year and who are trying to stay in touch with training at the club.  It is very important to maintain a healthy life balance at all times but at very critical times in the school program, school has to take priority – the key is balance.


  • In a week’s time (Sunday 6th August) we’ll be running our first Budokan Mons and Junior Boys/Girls competition at the club in two years. There are novice and graded divisions to ensure fair competition based on grade. Weight divisions will be created on the day to maximise the number of possible matches. All club members who are Mons and Junior Boys and Girls with a minimum grade of White/Yellow belt are encouraged to participate. This is a great opportunity to enter your first competition and doing so in your own club. We also need helpers to run this this event and there is a sheet on the main table at the club where you can write your name against various roles, even if just to help on the BBQ or in the kitchen. We have parents and Seniors who have experience in doing weigh-ins and table work and these people can help to train up new parents and Seniors who are interested in these roles. This is your club so please come forward and support a great experience for our youngest competitors.

 We are still seeking interest from parents and Seniors who have relevant skills and are willing to contribute to the club’s development. Our goal is to continue to improve on the high standards of service we provide and to motivate all members to achieve their goals whatever they may be both on and off the mat.   Enjoy the Newsletter and “See you on the mat”.