Recent news articles


Congratulations to the following Budokanis who competed in the National Schools Championships

  • Crosby Peake – Gold - Senior Boys, U/45kg
  • Flynn Mogilin – Bronze – Cadet Men Division 1, U/73kg
  • Elisha Mistry – 4th – Cadet Women Division 1, U/52kg

 Congratulations to the following 10 Budokanis who competed in the Gold Coast International Open over the same weekend winning 5 Gold, 4 Silver and 6 Bronze medals:

  • Crosby Peake – Gold - Senior Boys, U/45kg
  • Ben Zollinger – 9th - Senior Boys, U/50kg
  • Lilly Zollinger – Participated - Senior Girls, U/52kg
  • Clarissa Vumbaca – Gold - Cadet Women, U/52; Gold - Junior Women, U/52; Gold - Senior Women, U/52
  • Bianca Tandean – Bronze – Junior Women U/57kg; Silver - Senior Women, U/57kg
  • Elisha Mistry – 4th – Senior Women U/48kg
  • Max Zollinger – Silver – Cadet Men, U/60kg; Bronze – Junior Men, U/60; Bronze – Senior Men, U/60;
  • Phoenix Edwards – Silver – Cadet Men, U/66kg; Silver – Junior Men, U/66; Bronze – Senior Men, U/66;
  • Flynn Mogilin – Bronze – Cadet Men, U/73kg Bronze – Junior Men, U/73kg;
  • Bernhard Tandean – Gold - No Limits Senior Men, U/81kg


Budokan’s 2022 AGM is scheduled for Monday evening 7th November. A formal notification of the meeting has been issued with invitations for nominations and agenda items including notices of motion. An agenda will be circulated before the meeting. Please speak to Rob if you have any inquiries regarding the Committee or if you have any special skills and would like to help progress the club in the next year.


Thanks to everyone for purchasing our new range of Budokan merchandise. They look great and we encourage everyone to wear our brand wherever you go in or out of Judo circles. Jo Edwards will continue to take on orders and a reminder that we are selling this range of clothes with no mark up or profit to the club to encourage everyone to get on board. Can’t get better value than that!!


Budokan Club registrations with Judo NSW dropped away earlier this year to between 180 and 190 which was a 2-year low but not surprising given the turbulent times we went through with COVID restrictions. As I write this Newsletter, we are happy to say that membership has crept back up to 206 but we are also aware that some club members have let their Judo NSW memberships lapse but are still active on the mat. This causes quite a risk for the club member and the club. We are trying to chase up everyone but this is a big job. Judo NSW registration fees are very reasonable at $50 per year for pre-school Mini-Kids registration (ie Dinos), $100 for Mons and Juniors, and $140 for Seniors (Cadets and older). Note that club training fees are separate to this. If you are unsure about your Judo NSW registration status or your club training fee status, please contact Kelly McPherson at or on 0408150333 or Rob Katz at or on 0411409632 and we will advise on your membership and training fee status.