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All the best to all Budokan athletes who have nominated for the 2023 NSW State Team to the Nationals. Our campaign starts this weekend with a 2-day camp at the NSW Training Centre at Silverwater. Congratulations also to the 5 club coaches who have been selected to official positions in the State Team, details below. The format is different this year with 5 Junior Team Coaches and 5 Senior Team coaches with dedicated coaches for Kyu Grades, No Limits and Veterans athletes:

  • Junior Team Coach: Kerrye Katz
  • Senior Team Coach: Rob Katz
  • Senior Kyu Grades Team Coach: Liam Stewart
  • No Limits Team Coach: Franz Tandean
  • Veterans Team Coach: Liam Stewart & Franz Tandean
  • Kata Team Coach: Dale Keogh


Please note that the RevSport system used by Judo NSW for obtaining and renewing Judo NSW memberships automatically stores your credit card details and deducts the required fee from that credit card to renew your membership on the next due date. As you will get numerous emails beforehand reminding you of the upcoming renewal date, Judo NSW expects anyone who does not wish to renew their membership to contact them so that this automatic renewal mechanism for your membership is deleted from the system. Apologies but this inconvenience is beyond the club’s control and is not managed by the club.


We are receiving many inquiries about club training fees and find that some families are not reading or not following the process outlined on our website at  Most club families have embraced this system and there are no issues. Please read the instructions carefully and if still unclear, seek help in the first instance from Kate Peake at or alternatively Rob Katz at Examples of some common problems:

  1. Waiting for reminders regarding the need to purchase training fee vouchers. We have 200 members so following up everyone would be a massive job for us. Please diarise dates and set reminders for your training fee renewals so that we don’t need to chase you.
  2. Not sending Rob your Active Kids Vouchers (AKVs) or sending him used AKVs. This causes unnecessary additional time for us in following up.
  3. Using the Active Kids Vouchers for the wrong child. Ditto.
  4. Purchasing a single Family Discount Training Voucher for only one of two children. Ditto.
  5. Using Active Kids Vouchers outside the period of their validity. Ditto.


Recently coaches have observed that young children watching their older brothers and sisters training on the mat are accessing the club’s gymnastic equipment (bricks, foam cylinders, rings etc) to occupy their time whilst waiting for their siblings. Parents, please understand that the equipment has not been purchased for this purpose. PLEASE do not allow your children to use this equipment. It has been purchased by the club to assist coaches in developing our youngest judoka and some of this equipment has suffered excessive wear and tear as the result of this use. Junior club members are also prohibited from using this equipment unless it used as part of a scheduled class under coach supervision.


Nathan and Josh are the only two Australian males still in contention for qualification to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Both boys were Olympians in Rio 2016 and Nathan again in Tokyo 2020. Both are 2022 Commonwealth Games medallists and have international performances and world rankings during this qualification period indicating that qualifying at the end of the set period is very realistic. Despite this, they are still not fully funded regarding their overseas competitions and camps. They also bear costs associated with living in Melbourne to enable access to the National Performance Centre, as allowances provided do not cover all their rent. They work as much as they can giving school and corporate presentations and have set up a business focussed on this and on mentoring students. They also run private Judo classes and act as ambassadors for mental fitness and volunteer for athlete advocate roles. However, with only 14 months of Olympic Qualifying to go in the lead up to Paris 2024, there are still many challenges for the boys off the mat. Consequently, there are opportunities for businesses or individuals to become a part of their journey, providing mutual benefit to both the boys and their supporters. Any businesses or individuals interested in speaking to the boys about getting on board, please get in touch via social media or at Something special coming this year.  #whateverittakes