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Our last newsletter was in November last year so don’t be concerned that you haven’t received one since then. I hope everyone had a healthy and happy time over the holidays and that you are fully refreshed for another big year on and off the mat. Our membership is still hovering around 200 and all our classes have been very well attended this year. All our coaches and assistants are enthusiastic and our elite Cadets, Junior M/W and Seniors have already completed a week-long National Camp in Melbourne during January and competed in two international IJF world-tour events.  Our Juniors have also attended a “Futures” Camp at the AIS. 

  • Noting that all our coaches, committee members and current support parents are volunteers passionate about improving the club and who enjoy giving back to the community, it is difficult to ask more from these people. The club is now at a size where help is needed from new people. Without new support, our growth in progressing some areas of opportunity will be limited. So, off the back of our AGM last November we are seeking parents or Senior athletes who wish to contribute to our Committee work. Please talk to me if you need more information.


Budokan will have a strong representation in the upcoming ACT International Open to be held 17 – 19 February and the Sydney International Open on 24 – 26 February. National camps follow both events. Key Dates for:​

  • ACT International Open –

Late Entry closes 13 Feb 2023. Schedule attached separately. 

  • Sydney International Open –

Competitor entry closes (Kata / No Limits): 21 Feb 2023; Competitor entry closes (Shiai): 22 Feb 2023​Competition Draw​ – 8:00pm Saturday 25 Feb 2023Competition Schedule - Kata & No Limits - Saturday 25 February 2023; Shiai – Sunday 26 Feb 2023


2023 Almada (Portugal) Grand Prix – 28th January – 1st February

  • Nathan Katz competed in U/66kg against the African Champion Pedro (Angola) in the Round of 64 (R64). This was a difficult match up with ANG putting on early pressure with attacks off the sleeve (Sode) forcing a Shido to Nathan. Subsequent exchanges were very grippy and both athletes conceded a Shido putting Nathan under further pressure. ANG did some poor attacks and Nathan worked on the ground. Changing his gripping to a left post, Nathan forced a poor attack from ANG across his arn forcing a disqualification to ANG and this is how the match ended. In the Round of 32, Nathan was up against Takabatake (Brazil) and opened up for a much better match which was quite even both trying to get the advantage. After a Shido conceded by each, Nathan worked his spinner attack and followed up attacks on the ground. He showed a clear intention to throw and with 20 seconds remaining feinted right and spun left for a drop Seoi-Nage but BRA was prepared and countered Nathan for Waza-Ari. This was a much better fight for Nathan.


  • Josh Katz  Josh competed in U/60kg and had a R64 bye. His R32 match was against Takaki (BRA) who beat Barroso Lopez (ESP) in his earlier round. BRA set the pace early with turns off the grip an off the sleeves. Josh then put pressure on him and BRA conceded a gripping Shido. Both athletes attacked and Josh followed up on the ground. BRA made a negative drop attack and conceded his second Shido. Again attacks followed from both but during another drop attack from BRA it was ruled that he went head-first and received a disqualification. Josh’s R16 match was against top 20 world ranked Revol from France.  Josh put everything into this match. He had to work hard against FRA’s strong gripping and aggressive style but managed to keep up with numerous attacks at every opportunity.  1 minute into Golden Score, Josh conceded a Shido but then made some strong attacks and almost scored countering a Kouchi-Makikomi. At 2m24s into GS, FRA latched on for a high Ippon-Seoinage which he converted to Kouchi-Gake when Josh defended it. It was well timed and gave FRA the win. FRA went on to win the Bronze.

 2023 Paris (France) Grand Slam – 28th January – 1st February 

  • Nathan competed against Rahimov from Turkmenistan (TKM) in the Round of 64 (R64). An awkward opponent who turned both sides immediately he had a hand on the sleeve or lapel. Dropping off one sleeve caught Nathan for Waza-Ari early and this put Nathan under pressure for the rest of the match. TKM continued with this strategy but conceded a Shido for a grip infringement. Shortly after, Nathan conceded a Shido. Nathan pressured with some good attacks but TKM was just ahead on the pace, finally dropping again with a double sleeve Sode which Nathan tried to counter, but was scored Waza-Ari nonetheless.


  • Josh competed against world-ranked #11 and 6th seeded Nozadze (GEO), again a very unorthodox style opponent who constantly throws his arm cross-shoulder and does this both sides. Josh defended this style as best as possible with good movement and posture but was chopped to his knees on a number of occasions. This caused Josh to concede 2 Shidos in just over a minute. The referee seemed overly harsh but Josh continued to attack with whatever seemed possible in particular Seoi-Nages, Kouchi-Garis and Kata Gurumas all the while trying to fend off the offensive cross-shoulder gripping.  With 45s remaining Josh attacked again and GEO retaliated, the referee giving Josh his third Shido, again a harsh decision.

 A strong effort from both boys in both events, each competition followed by a massive international camp which provided huge benefits. The boys were able to do many randoris with the highest level athletes from many countries normally very difficult to access.  Getting used to the very high skill level and some unconventional styles of gripping and play is frustrating and requires more exposure to these camps and overseas training, so the benefits are clear and this will see the small improvements needed to break through these close matches. It is clear that the margins between the boys and their competition is generally very small. Resilience, discipline, and trusting the process. Final training in Paris yeaterday followed by a couple of days off in Paris and one more session on Monday; then a flight to Tel-Aviv Israel for the Grand Slam in which they compete on Thursday night 16th February out time. As usual, access to Draws, Match Order and Video streaming will be at and I will post details on the club facebook page when known. Wishing the boys all the best for their final major competition in this block.  


The 8-day National High Performance Camp was held 11-18 January at the CombatAus National Performance Centre (NPC) in Melbourne. Budokan Judo Club was fortunate to have 9 athletes and 2 coaches participate in this camp of almost 60 participants from all around Australia and across all senior age categories, plus 9 coaches.  Our team was Kerrye and Rob Katz, Nathan and Josh Katz, Clarissa and Jacinta Vumbaca, Max Zollinger, Bianca Tandean, Flynn Mogilin, Aaron Xu and Crosby Peake. The training load was high as were the expectations on all athletes. During the camp, athletes completed 9 Judo sessions, 2 strength and conditioning sessions and 2 seminars – a great effort overall - well done guys! Sunday was a rest day for athletes but the coaches completed a valuable High Performance Workshop and mat session. Thanks to CombatAus for a great program. We are on the right track. 


This 4 day camp was held 19 – 22 January at the AIS Canberra for athletes born in 2008 or 2009 (Final year Senior B/Gs and first year Cadets). This was immediately following the Senior Camp in Melbourne. Budokan athletes who participated were Crosby Peake, Ben Zollinger, Shanning Mak and Nicholas Platonov. Kerrye was also one of the National coaches who ran this camp, so we were again well represented. Well done to these athletes for putting in a big effort to this camp.