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INTERNATIONAL UPDATE - 2022 Cadet World Championships, Sarajevo Bosnia 24th – 28th August - Clarissa Vumbaca

Clarissa Vumbaca 48kg. Clarissa had a first round bye and in the Round of 32 fought World #17 Le Cam of France who beat Georgia in her first round. An awkward right-hander constantly looking for the cross-shoulder grip and Sumi-Gaeshi, Clarissa (World #42) did extremely well to dominate much of the match with 3 very strong attacks from Deashi-Harai and Sasae, which could have easily been a score. FRA seemed to struggle and should have been penalised for a poor drop attack and passivity. Almost on the bell, FRA managed to get her cross-grip and dropped for a sacrifice throw landing Clarissa on her side for Waza-Ari, such bad luck in a match which was almost perfectly executed.Both Will and Clarissa fought confidently, with good structure to their play and attacked with purpose – they looked like they belonged on the international stage and the future looks bright for them. Well done guys. 

  • Congratulations also to Budokan Coach Kerrye who was National Cadet Coach for this event.


Congratulations to the 37 Budokan athletes who contested 41 divisions at this event winning 32 medals as follows: 

  • 15 x Gold medals – Brendan Jones, Levi Murkins, Joy Ma, Sarah Jones, Gabrielle Reeves (x 2), Tamsin Black, Crosby Peake, Momo Jiang, Max Zollinger, Flynn Mogilin (x 2), Jaeda Liao, Aaron Jones, Jonathon Blanch


  • 9 x Silver medals – Isabelle Tan, Emma Cooper, Olivia Cooper, Leon Park, Yousef Helal, Jeremy Tan, Johnny Ma (x 2), Max Zollinger


  • 8 x Bronze medals – Elliot Ma, Anthony He, Isaac Murkins, Ethan Zhang, Daniel He, Marcus Liao, Tim Reshanov, Momo Jiang


  • Participating – Nathan Zhang, Max Phone Phae, William Blanch, Lucas Conti, William Elliot, Jayden Hu, Donnie Zhang, Daniel Sharpin, Christian Sigvart

 Well done to all our club athletes who participated and put in a big effort. Coaches supporting the day were: Rob, Dale, Cathy, Jarrad and Dieter who was also a volunteer for competition management. 

  • Judo NSW acknowledged Nathan and Josh’s recent Commonwealth Games success by inviting them to this event to meet and greet NSW athletes, parents and coaches, take photos, let the kids wear their Commonwealth Games medals and also present medals for this competition. This was really well received by the Judo community and the boys enjoyed sharing their experience. Unfortunately, somebody in the venue managed to spoil the positive vibe by stealing Nathan’s medallion presentation box. A police report was filed and hopefully CCTV footage will assist inquiries.


You will have noticed two significant improvements to our club dojo (training/learning hall). Both have resulted from successful grant applications completed primarily by Club Vice-President Scott Young. Thanks to Scott for applying your grant application skills achieving some great outcomes. The first grant was for $20,000 for the Federal Government’s 2022 Stronger Communities Program (SCP7). This was used to complete much needed building works: a new power supply and main electrical distribution board, new lighting and new fans. The second grant was a 2021 Volunteer Grant for $5000 which has a wide scope including portable storage equipment for our merchandise. 

  • Thanks also to Scott on following up implementation of the building works. Many other thanks are due: to Andras Koltai, Franz Tandean, Peter Jennings, Kate Peake, Jo Edwards, Alainya Zollinger and during the initial research work into options for storage, to Gary McPherson and Sam Vumbaca, all of whom (plus other keen parents) are responsible for getting the merchandise storage solution in place. Thanks also to Aikido’s Tony Cox for assisting with the removal of the old cabinets. The new cabinets look amazing. Work continues to complete the repacking and itemising of our merchandise into the new cabinets and to clean up the change-room. Any help you can provide would be appreciated, just see Committee members Kate, Franz and Peter.

 The new internal look within our 70 year old chicken shed really enhances the dynamics and vibrancy of the club. It showcases the mat and the athletes and that’s where the focus should be. We intend to apply for another Federal grant in the future. If successful, this one will allow us to replace the umbrella gas heaters 


Jo Edwards continues to take on expressions of interest for our new merchandise range items. Please note that the club has always sold our merchandise with no mark-up – in other words we do not profit from the sales; our idea being to encourage everyone to be a very visible part of TeamBudokan both on and off the mat. 

  • Also please keep an eye out over the next weeks/months as we promote some of our older-style merchandise for special priced sales. Again, as we normally sell our merchandise to club members and families for our cost price, you will be able to pick up many of our older-style Budokan merchandise for half cost price.


Budokan’s 2022 AGM is scheduled for Monday evening 7th November. As this date approaches, formal notification of the meeting will be issued and invitations for nominations and agenda items including notices of motion will be called. Please speak to Rob if you have any inquiries regarding the Committee or how you might like to help progress the club in the next year.